Terry Johnson
Terry Johnson serves as the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer at the University of Iowa. He is a registered CPA and has a Master's degree in Business Administration. Mr. Johnson joined the University in 1993 to lead the development of the University's financial information systems. In 1997, he was promoted to Associate Vice President and Controller and served in this role until his appointment to CFO & Treasurer in January 2015.
Mr. Johnson is a member of the President's cabinet and is currently developing a new university-wide budget model with campus leadership. Mr. Johnson serves on several university-wide steering committees and he has represented the University at the Big Ten Business Officer meetings since 1996. Mr. Johnson represented the University as a founding member of the University Tax Peer Group consortium and he served on the COGR Costing Policies Committee for a number of years.
Prior to joining the University, Mr. Johnson worked for a privately held consulting firm. During his tenure with this firm, he was based out of the firm's offices in Omaha, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. He has traveled extensively in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.